Make a loan, change a life. The Kiva program supports entrepreneurs in third world countries. Small business owners create business plans to found new or expand existing businesses, and these are posted on the Kiva website. PayPal users can choose from the variety of different businesses in Africa, Asia, Central and South America to sponsor. Once the total amount of the loan is obtained (through several donations), the business is given a timeframe in which to repay the loan, and if successful, the loan is then repaid to the sponsor in full. Who Gives A Shirt? is proud to be a Kiva sponsor. As it mirrors our own organization, we have elected to sponsor the small clothing business run by Catherine Lumonya of Mbale, Uganda. With this loan, Catherine plans to add more stock to her existing business. We wish her the best of luck, and look forward to reading Kiva's updates on her progress! More information about Kiva is available from their website: |