I’ve saved the best of my filter apps for last. Here’s the Metro entrance at St Michel run through Waterlogue. When I first heard about this app, it sounded neat but i wasn’t sure about paying for it. I’m glad I finally did – it’s ASTONISHING. Not only does it really generously show you the process happen (take notes, Prisma) the final product is indistinguishable from a real watercolour painting. I’ve never even seen photoshop pull this off so perfectly. Not every photo works – faces, particularly, seem to blur out – but there’s so much joy in the process the failures don’t feel like time wasted. My 3 year old niece was enthralled with it. Every quiet moment we had, she would ask hopefully, “can I paint?” With every new photo I add to my library, I have the same reaction. Bravo, Tinrocket , this is a killer app!